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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Battle of Magdhaba in World War I
Skirmish of Magdhaba in World War I Struggle The Battle of Magdhaba was a piece of the Sinai-Palestine Campaign of World War I (1914-1918). Date English soldiers were triumphant at Magdhaba on December 23, 1916. Armed forces Commanders English Commonwealth General Sir Henry Chauvel3 mounted units, 1 camel detachment Footrests Khadir Bey1,400 men Foundation Following the triumph at the Battle of Romani, British Commonwealth powers, drove by General Sir Archibald Murray and his subordinate, Lt. General Sir Charles Dobell, started pushing over the Sinai Peninsula towards Palestine. To help activities in the Sinai, Dobell requested the development of a military railroad and water pipeline over the landmasses desert. Driving the British development was the Desert Column told by General Sir Philip Chetwode. Comprising of all of Dobells mounted soldiers, Chetwodes power squeezed east and caught the waterfront town of El Arish on December 21. Entering El Arish, the Desert Column found the town vacant as Turkish powers had withdrawn east along the coast to Rafa and south long the Wadi El Arish to Magdhaba. Diminished the following day by the 52nd Division, Chetwode requested General Henry Chauvel to take the ANZAC Mounted Division and the Camel Corps south to get out Magdhaba. Moving south, the assault required a snappy triumph as Chauvels men would be working more than 23 miles from the nearest wellspring of water. On the 22nd, as Chauvel was getting his requests, the leader of the Turkish Desert Force, General Freiherr Kress von Kressenstein visited Magdhaba. Footstool Preparations In spite of the fact that Magdhaba was currently ahead of time of the primary Turkish lines, Kressenstein felt required to safeguard it as the army, the second and third forces of the 80th Regiment, comprised of privately enrolled Arabs. Numbering more than 1,400 men and directed by Khadir Bey, the battalion was upheld by four old mountain weapons and a little camel unit. Surveying the circumstance, Kressenstein withdrew that night happy with the towns barriers. Walking for the time being, Chauvels section arrived at the edges of Magdhaba close to day break on December 23rd. Chauvels Plan Exploring around Magdhaba, Chauvel found that the protectors had developed five redoubts to secure the town. Sending his soldiers, Chauvel intended to assault from the north and east with the third Australian Light Horse Brigade, the New Zealand Mounted Rifles Brigade, and the Imperial Camel Corps. To keep the Turks from getting away, the tenth Regiment of the third Light Horse was sent southeast of the town. The first Australian Light Horse was set for possible later use along the Wadi El Arish. Around 6:30 AM, the town was assaulted by 11 Australian airplane. Chauvel Strikes Despite the fact that insufficient, the elevated assault served to draw Turkish fire, making the aggressors aware of the area of channels and solid focuses. Having gotten reports that the army was withdrawing, Chauvel requested the first Light Horse to make a mounted development towards the town. As they drew nearer, they went under mounted guns and automatic weapon discharge from Redoubt No. 2. Breaking into a jog, the first Light Horse turned and looked for shelter in the aqueduct. Seeing that the town was all the while being protected, Chauvel requested the full assault forward. This before long slowed down with his men nailed down on all fronts by overwhelming foe fire. Lacking overwhelming mounted guns backing to break the stop and worried about his water flexibly, Chauvel considered severing the assault and ventured to such an extreme as to demand consent from Chetwode. This was allowed and at 2:50 PM, he gave orders for the retreat to start at 3:00 PM. Getting this request, Brigadier General Charles Cox, authority of the first Light Horse, chose to overlook it as an assault against Redoubt No. 2 was creating on his front. Ready to approach through the watercourse to inside 100 yards of the redoubt, components of his third Regiment and the Camel Corps had the option to mount an effective pike assault. Having increased a balance in the Turkish resistances, Coxs men swung around and caught Redoubt No. 1 and Khadir Beys central station. With the tide changed, Chauvels retreat orders were dropped and the full assault continued, with Redoubt No. 5 tumbling to a mounted charge and Redoubt No. 3 giving up to the New Zealanders of the third Light Horse. Toward the southeast, components of the third Light Horse caught 300 Turks as they endeavored to escape the town. By 4:30 PM, the town was made sure about and most of the battalion taken prisoner. Outcome The Battle of Magdhaba brought about 97 slaughtered and 300 injured for the Turks just as 1,282 caught. For Chauvels ANZACs and the Camel Corps losses were just 22 slaughtered and 121 injured. With the catch of Magdhaba, British Commonwealth powers had the option to proceed with their push over the Sinai towards Palestine. With the fulfillment of the railroad and pipeline, Murray and Dobell had the option to begin tasks against the Turkish lines around Gaza. Repelled on two events, they were inevitably supplanted by General Sir Edmund Allenby in 1917.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Treasure of the Aztecs
The Treasure of the Aztecs In 1519, Hernan Cortes and his avaricious band of approximately 600 conquistadors started their venturesome ambush on the Mexica (Aztec) Empire. By 1521 the Mexica capital city of ​Tenochtitlan was in cinders, Emperor Montezuma was dead and the Spanish were solidly in charge of what they took to calling New Spain. En route, Cortes and his men gathered a great many pounds of gold, silver, gems and precious pieces of Aztec workmanship. Whatever was the fate of this inconceivable fortune? The Concept of Wealth in the New World For the Spanish, the idea of riches was basic: it implied gold and silver, ideally in effectively debatable bars or coins, and the a greater amount of it the better. For the Mexica and their partners, it was increasingly confused. They utilized gold and silver yet basically for trimmings, enrichments, plates, and adornments. The Aztecs prized different things far above gold: they adored brilliantly shaded plumes, ideally from quetzals or hummingbirds. They would make expound shrouds and hoods out of these quills and it was an obvious showcase of riches to wear one. They adored gems, including jade and turquoise. They additionally prized cotton and pieces of clothing like tunics produced using it: as a showcase of intensity, Tlatoani Montezuma would wear upwards of four cotton tunics daily and dispose of them in the wake of wearing them just a single time. The individuals of focal Mexico were extraordinary dealers who occupied with exchange, for the most part trading merchandise with each other, however cacao beans were additionally utilized as a money of sorts. Cortes Sends Treasure to the King In April of 1519, the Cortes endeavor arrived close to introduce day​ Veracruz: they had just visited the Maya territory of Potonchan, where they got some gold and the important mediator Malinche. From the town they established in Veracruz they made cordial associations with the waterfront clans. The Spanish offered to align themselves with these disappointed vassals, who concurred and regularly gave them blessings of gold, quills and cotton fabric. What's more, emissaries from Montezuma every so often showed up, carrying incredible endowments with them. The primary emissaries gave the Spanish some rich garments, an obsidian reflect, a plate and container of gold, a few fans and a shield produced using mother-of-pearl. Resulting emissaries brought a gold-plated wheel six and a half feet over, gauging some thirty-five pounds, and a littler silver one: these spoke to the sun and moon. Later emissaries brought back a Spanish head protector which had been sent to Montezuma; the liberal ruler had filled the rudder with gold residue as the Spanish had mentioned. He did this since he had been made to accept that the Spanish experienced an ailment which must be restored by gold. In July of 1519, Cortes chose to send a portion of this fortune to the King of Spain, partially in light of the fact that the lord was qualified for a fifth of any fortune found and to a limited extent since Cortes required the rulers support for his endeavor, which was on sketchy legitimate ground. The Spanish set up the entirety of the fortunes they had aggregated, stocked it and sent quite a bit of it to Spain on a boat. They assessed that the gold and silver was worth around 22,500 pesos: this gauge depended on its value as a crude material, not as masterful fortunes. A considerable rundown of the stock endures: it subtleties each thing. One model: the other neckline has four strings with 102 red stones and 172 obviously green, and around the two green stones are 26 brilliant ringers and, in the said neckline, ten huge stones set in gold... (qtd. in Thomas). Nitty gritty as this rundown may be, apparently Cortes and his lieutenants kept much down: all things considered, the ruler got only one-tenth of the fortune taken up to this point. The Treasures of Tenochtitlan Among July and November of 1519, Cortes and his men advanced toward Tenochtitlan. Along their way, they got more fortune as more endowments from Montezuma, plunder from the Cholula Massacre and blessings from the pioneer of Tlaxcala, who what's more went into a significant partnership with Cortes. Toward the beginning of November, the conquistadors entered Tenochtitlan and Montezuma made them welcome. A week or so into their remain, the Spanish captured Montezuma on a guise and kept him in their vigorously protected compound. Along these lines started the loot of the extraordinary city. The Spaniards persistently requested gold, and their hostage, Montezuma, advised his kin to bring it. Numerous incredible fortunes of gold, silver gems and featherwork were laid at the feet of the trespassers. Moreover, Cortes asked Montezuma where the gold originated from. The hostage ruler uninhibitedly conceded that there were a few places in the Empire where gold could be discovered: it was generally panned from streams and purified for use. Cortes quickly sent his men to those spots to research. Montezuma had permitted the Spaniards to remain at the luxurious royal residence of Axayacatl, a previous tlatoani of the realm and Montezumas father. At some point, the Spanish found an immense fortune behind one of the dividers: gold, gems, symbols, jade, quills and that's only the tip of the iceberg. It was added to the trespassers ever-developing heap of plunder. The Noche Triste In May of 1520, Cortes needed to come back to the coastâ to rout the conquistador armed force of Panfilo de Narvaez. In his nonappearance from Tenochtitlan, his unruly lieutenant Pedro de Alvarado requested the slaughter of thousands of unarmed Aztec nobles going to the celebration of Toxcatl. At the point when Cortes returned in July, he discovered his men under attack. On June 30, they concluded they couldn't hold the city and chose to leave. Be that as it may, some solution for the fortune? By then, it is assessed that the Spanish had amassed around 8,000 pounds of gold and silver, also a lot of plumes, cotton, gems and more.â Cortes requested the lords fifth and his own fifth stacked onto ponies and Tlaxcalan watchmen and mentioned to the others to take what they needed. Stupid conquistadors stacked themselves down with gold: keen ones just took a bunch of gems. That night, the Spanish were spotted as they attempted to escape the city: the incensed Mexica warriors assaulted, butchering several Spaniards on the Tacuba thoroughfare out of the city. The Spanish later alluded to this as the Noche Triste or Night of Sorrows.The lords and Cortes gold was lost, and those fighters who conveyed particularly plunder either dropped it or were butchered in light of the fact that they were running too gradually. The vast majority of the incredible fortunes of Montezuma were irreversibly lost that night. Come back to Tenochtitlan and Division of Spoils The Spanish pulled together and had the option to re-take Tenochtitlan a couple of months after the fact, this time for good. In spite of the fact that they discovered a portion of their lost plunder (and had the option to crush some increasingly out of the vanquished Mexica) they never discovered every last bit of it, regardless of tormenting the new head, Cuauhtã ©moc. After the city had been retaken and it came time to separate the riches, Cortes demonstrated as talented at taking from his own men as he had in taking from the Mexica. In the wake of putting aside the lords fifth and his own fifth, he started making dubiously enormous installments to his nearest cohorts for weapons, administrations, and so forth. At the point when they at last got their offer, Cortes troopers were overwhelmed to discover that they had earned under 200 pesos each, far short of what they would have gotten for genuine work somewhere else. The fighters were enraged, however there was little they could do. Cortes paid them off by sending them on further campaigns which he guaranteed would get increasingly gold and endeavors were soon headed to the terrains of the Maya in the south. Different conquistadors were given encomiendas: these were awards of huge terrains with local towns or town on them. The proprietor hypothetically needed to give security and strict guidance to the locals, and consequently the locals would work for the landowner. As a general rule, it was authoritatively authorized servitude and prompted some unspeakable maltreatment. The conquistadors who served under Cortes consistently accepted that he had kept down a large number of pesos in gold from them, and the chronicled proof appears to help them. Visitors to Cortes home revealed seeing numerous bars of gold in Cortes ownership. Inheritance of the Treasure of Montezuma Regardless of the misfortunes of the Night of Sorrows, Cortes and his men had the option to take a stunning measure of gold out of Mexico: just Francisco Pizarros plundering of the Inca Empire created a more prominent measure of riches. The venturesome triumph motivated a huge number of Europeans to rush to the New World, wanting to be on the following undertaking to overcome a rich realm. After Pizarros victory of the Inca, be that as it may, there were not any more incredible domains to discover, in spite of the fact that legends of the city of El Dorado persevered for a considerable length of time. It is an incredible catastrophe that the Spanish favored their gold in coins and bars: endless extremely valuable brilliant adornments were dissolved down and the social and masterful misfortune is boundless. As indicated by the Spanish who saw these brilliant works, Aztec goldsmiths were more gifted than their European partners. Sources Diaz del Castillo, Bernal. . Trans., ed. J.M. Cohen. 1576. London, Penguin Books, 1963. Duty, Buddy. . New York: Bantam, 2008. Thomas, Hugh. . New York: Touchstone, 1993.
Friday, July 31, 2020
Understanding Suicide Among Men
Understanding Suicide Among Men Depression Suicide Print Understanding Suicide Among Men By Jerry Kennard Jerry Kennard, PhD, is a psychologist and associate fellow of the British Psychological Society. Learn about our editorial policy Jerry Kennard Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Daniel B. Block, MD on November 21, 2019 twitter linkedin Daniel B. Block, MD, is an award-winning, board-certified psychiatrist who operates a private practice in Pennsylvania. Learn about our Medical Review Board Daniel B. Block, MD Updated on January 31, 2020 MarioGuti / Getty Images More in Depression Suicide Causes Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Types Childhood Depression In This Article Table of Contents Expand Risk Factors Explanations Prevention Getting Help View All Back To Top Information presented in this article may be triggering to some people. If you are having suicidal thoughts, contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 for support and assistance from a trained counselor. If you or a loved one are in immediate danger, call 911 immediately. In recent years, there has been a steady increase in the numbers of men who elect to end their own lives prematurely through suicide. While women tend to experience more suicidal thinking, men are far more likely to die by suicide. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that over 47,000 people died by suicide in 2017 in the United States.?? Suicide is the tenth leading cause of death overall. In 2015, suicide was the seventh leading cause of death for all American men, according to the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. Suicide is a serious problem in the United States and worldwide, but there is hope. Here are some important things to understand about suicide among men and what you can do if you or a loved one are having hopeless feelings or having thoughts about suicide. Suicide Statistics In 2017, the suicide rate for men was 3.5 times higher than it was for women.The suicide rate is highest among middle-aged white men, who accounted for almost 70% of all suicides in 2017.Research also suggests that while women attempt suicide more often, men choose more lethal means of suicide.The World Health Organization reports that suicide represents half of all male violent deaths worldwide.Men over the age of 65 are at the greatest risk of suicide. Rates and Statistics for Suicide in the United States Risk Factors Not every attempt at suicide results in completion, although unsuccessful first attempts are often followed by successful second attempts. The most common risk factors for suicide are: Using drugs and/or alcohol to help cope with emotions, relationships, the pressure of work, or other issuesSocial isolation or living aloneNot being able to form or sustain meaningful relationshipsDivorce or relationship breakdownsA history of physical and sexual abuseImprisonmentBeing bullied at school, college, or workUnemploymentLoss of a loved one through trauma or diseaseMental illness, particularly where this is related to depression and painful or debilitating illnesses or conditions In older men, suicide is most strongly associated with depression, physical pain and illness, living alone, and feelings of hopelessness and guilt. Suicide Warning Signs and Risk Factors Explanations In addition to the above risk factors, there are some other theories as to why men are at a greater risk of suicide. Traditional male gender roles discourage emotional expression. Men are told they need to be tough and that they should not need to ask for help. Such rigid gender norms may make it difficult for men to reach out and ask for support when they need it.Depression may be underdiagnosed in men. Men often do not disclose feelings of depression to their doctors. When they do, it is often described in terms of having problems at work or in relationships. Men also tend to describe their feelings as stress rather than sadness or hopelessness.Men are less likely to seek help for emotional problems. Researchers suggest that depression is diagnosed less frequently in men because of the tendency to deny illness, self-monitor symptoms, and self-treat.??Men may be more likely to self-treat symptoms of depression with alcohol and other substances. Men are also more likely to use lethal suicide methods. Gender Differences in Suicide and Suicidal Behaviors Prevention There are strategies that both individuals and communities can utilize to help reduce the risk of male suicide. Watch for signs of depression. Symptoms of depression in men include irritability, social withdrawal, anxiety, loss of interest or pleasure, physical pains and complaints, engaging in risky behaviors, misusing drugs and alcohol, and being unable to keep up with normal daily tasks.Offer support. If you notice signs of depression, ask what you can do to help, and let him know that you are there to listen and help.Dont ignore the signs. Avoid dismissing or making light of comments that indicate suicidal thoughts or behaviors. If you hear suicidal talk or statements, encourage him to talk to his doctor or therapist. Emotional and practical support is important for helping people to adjust their circumstances in order to restore well-being. The warning signs listed above do not inevitably lead to suicide attempts. However, people who feel suicidal often report a certain kind of tunnel vision, of being unable to see the broader picture and thinking only in terms of black and white. In such circumstances, that individual may not be motivated to seek out help for themselves, and it often falls on others to offer support by listening, offering encouragement, and sometimes even challenging the preconceptions that people hold about themselves such as their abilities and worth to society. Other ways to help reduce male suicide: Identify men who are at risk and offer support.Teach men coping and problem-solving skills to help them manage challenges with work, relationships, and health issues.Make mental health support options readily available.Create opportunities that bring groups of people together so that they can form social connections and find support.Restrict access to lethal means of suicide, such as firearms and prescription drugs. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Mental Health found that receiving support from a trusted and respected friend can be an effective suicide prevention strategy for men. Forming connections with other people who are going through the same thing can also be helpful. Reframing help-seeking is also important. Men may avoid asking for help because they fear it is a sign of weakness. Finding ways to change this perspective is a critical aspect of reducing male suicide rates. The 2019 study also found that reframing help-seeking as masculine behavior increases the likelihood that men will ask for help when they need it.?? How You Can Help Someone One Is Suicidal Getting Help Getting help for people expressing suicidal intent or showing the warning signs is incredibly important. Help is available from a number of different sources, including family doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists, voluntary organizations, community mental health centers, local hospitals, or social agencies. There are effective treatments for depression. Psychotherapy, antidepressants, and often a combination of both can be effective in reducing symptoms of depression and lowering the risk of suicide. A Word From Verywell Symptoms of depression may manifest differently in men than in women, which may explain why signs are often missed by loved ones and physicians. Cultural expectations can also play a role in why men fail to seek help when they are feeling hopeless or suicidal. Fortunately, there are treatments available that can help men learn to cope, feel better, and get back to their usual selves. Tips for Living With Depression
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Arab American Heritage Month
Arab Americans and Americans of Middle Eastern heritage have a long history in the United States. They are U.S. military heroes, entertainers, politicians and scientists. They are Lebanese, Egyptian, Iraqi and more. Yet the representation of Arab Americans in the mainstream media tends to be quite limited. Arabs are typically featured on the news when Islam, hate crimes or terrorism are the topics at hand. Arab American Heritage Month, observed in April, marks a time to reflect on the contributions Arab Americans have made to the U.S. and the diverse group of people who make up the nation’s Middle Eastern population. Arab Immigration to the U.S. While Arab Americans are often stereotyped as perpetual foreigners in the United States, people of Middle Eastern descent first began to enter the country in significant numbers in the 1800s, a fact thats often revisited during Arab American Heritage Month. The first wave of Middle Eastern immigrants arrived in the U.S. circa 1875, according to America.gov. The second wave of such immigrants arrived after 1940. The Arab American Institute reports that by the 1960s, about 15,000 Middle Eastern immigrants from Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, and Iraq were settling in the U.S. on average each year. By the following decade, the annual number of Arab immigrants increased by several thousand due to the Lebanese civil war. Arab Americans in the 21st Century Today an estimated 4 million Arab Americans live in the United States. The U.S. Census Bureau estimated in 2000 that Lebanese Americans constitute the largest group of Arabs in the U.S. About one in four of all Arab Americans is Lebanese. The Lebanese are followed by Egyptians, Syrians, Palestinians, Jordanians, Moroccans, and Iraqis in numbers. Nearly half (46 percent) of the Arab Americans profiled by the Census Bureau in 2000 were born in the U.S. The Census Bureau also found that more men make up the Arab population in the U.S. than women and that most Arab Americans lived in households occupied by married couples. While the first Arab-American immigrants arrived in the 1800s, the Census Bureau found that nearly half of Arab Americans arrived in the U.S. in the 1990s. Regardless of these new arrivals, 75 percent of Arab Americans said that they spoke English very well or exclusively while at home. Arab Americans also tend to be more educated than the general population, with 41 percent having graduated from college compared to 24 percent of the general U.S. population in 2000. The higher levels of education obtained by Arab Americans explains why members of this population were more likely to work in professional jobs and earn more money than Americans generally. On the other hand, more Arab-American men than women were involved in the labor force and a higher number of Arab Americans (17 percent) than Americans generally (12 percent) were likely to live in poverty. Census Representation It’s difficult to get a complete picture of the Arab-American population for Arab American Heritage Month because the U.S. government has classified people of Middle Eastern descent as â€Å"white†since 1970. This has made it challenging to get an accurate count of Arab Americans in the U.S. and to determine how members of this population are faring economically, academically and so forth. The Arab American Institute has reportedly told its members to identify as â€Å"some other race†and then fill in their ethnicity. There’s also a movement to have the Census Bureau give the Middle Eastern population a unique category by the 2020 census. Aref Assaf supported this move in a column for the New Jersey Star-Ledger. â€Å"As Arab-Americans, we have long argued for the need to implement these changes,†he said. â€Å"We have long argued that current racial options available on the Census form produce a severe undercount of Arab Americans. The current Census form is only a ten question form, but the implications for our community are far-reaching†¦Ã¢â‚¬
Sunday, May 10, 2020
Biography of Dorothy Vaughan, Groundbreaking NASA Mathematician
Dorothy Vaughan (September 20, 1910 – November 10, 2008) was an African American mathematician and computer. In her time working for NASA, she became the first African American woman to hold a supervisory position and helped the institution transition to computer programming. Fast Facts: Dorothy Vaughan Full Name: Dorothy Johnson VaughanOccupation: Mathematician and computer programmerBorn: September 20, 1910 in Kansas City, MissouriDied: November 10, 2008 in Hampton, VirginiaParents: Leonard and Annie JohnsonSpouse: Howard Vaughan (m. 1932); they had six childrenEducation: Wilberforce University, B.A. in mathematics Early Life Dorothy Vaughan was born in Kansas City, Missouri, the daughter of Leonard and Annie Johnson. The Johnson family soon moved to Morgantown, West Virginia, where they stayed throughout Dorothy’s childhood. She quickly proved to be a talented student, graduating early from high school at the age of 15 as her graduating class’ valedictorian. At Wilberforce University, a historically black college in Ohio, Vaughan studied mathematics. Her tuition was covered by a full-ride scholarship from the West Virginia Conference of the A.M.E. Sunday School Convention. She graduated with her bachelor’s degree in 1929, only 19 years old, cum laude. Three years later, she married Howard Vaughan, and the couple moved to Virginia, where they initially lived with Howard’s wealthy and well-respected family. From Teacher to Computer Although Vaughan was encouraged by her professors at Wilberforce to go to graduate school at Howard University, she declined, instead taking a job at Robert Russa Moton High School in Farmville, Virginia, so that she could help support her family during the Great Depression. During this time, she and her husband Howard had six children: two daughters and four sons. Her position and education placed her as an admired leader in her community. Dorothy Vaughan taught high school for 14 years during the era of racially segregated education. In 1943, during World War II, she took a job at the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA, the predecessor to NASA) as a computer. NACA and the rest of the federal agencies had technically desegregated in 1941 by executive order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Vaughan was assigned to the West Area Computing group at Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia. Despite women of color being recruited actively, they were still segregated into groups separate from their white counterparts.  Nasa.gov The computing group consisted of expert female mathematicians who dealt with complex mathematical calculations, nearly all done by hand. During the war, their work was connected to the war effort, since the government firmly believed that the war would be won on the strength of air forces. The scope of activity at NACA expanded considerably after WWII ended and the space program began in earnest. For the most part, their work involved reading data, analyzing it, and plotting it for use by the scientists and engineers. Although the womenâ€â€both white and blackâ€â€often held degrees similar to (or even more advanced than) the men who worked at NASA, they were only hired for lower positions and pay. Women could not be hired as engineers. Supervisor and Innovator In 1949, Dorothy Vaughan was assigned to supervise the West Area Computers, but not in an official supervisory role. Instead, she was given the role as acting head of the group (after their previous supervisor, a white woman, died). This meant the job didn’t come with the expected title and pay bump. It took several years and advocating for herself before she was finally given the role of supervisor in an official capacity and the benefits that came with it. Vaughan did not just advocate for herself, but also worked hard to advocate for more opportunities for women. Her intention was not just to help her West Computing colleagues, but women across the organization, including white women. Eventually, her expertise came to be highly valued by the engineers at NASA, who relied heavily on her recommendations to match projects with the computers whose skills aligned best. In 1958, NACA became NASA and segregated facilities were completely and finally abolished. Vaughan worked in the Numerical Techniques division and, in 1961, shifted her focus to the new frontier of electronic computing. She figured out, earlier than many others, that electronic computers were going to be the future, so she set out to make sure sheâ€â€and the women in her groupâ€â€were prepared. During her time at NASA, Vaughan also contributed directly to projects on the space program with her work on the Scout Launch Vehicle Program, a particular type of rocket designed to launch small satellites into orbit around the Earth. Vaughan taught herself the programming language FORTRAN that was used for early computing, and from there, she taught it to many of her colleagues so they would be prepared for the inevitable transition away from manual computing and towards electronics. Eventually, she and several of her West Area Computing colleagues joined the newly formed Analysis and Computation Division, a race- and gender-integrated group working to expand the horizons of electronic computing. Although she tried to receive another management position, she was never granted one again. Photographs from Dorothy Vaughans retirement party. Vaughan retired from NASA in 1971.  Courtesy Vaughan Family / Nasa.gov Later Life and Legacy Dorothy Vaughan worked at Langley for 28 years while raising six children (one of whom followed in her footsteps and worked at NASA’s Langley facility). In 1971, Vaughan finally retired at the age of 71. She continued to be active in her community and her church throughout retirement, but lived a fairly quiet life. Vaughan died on November 10, 2008 at the age of 98, less than a week after the election of America’s first black president, Barack Obama. Vaughan’s story came to public attention in 2016, when Margot Lee Shetterly published her nonfiction book Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Who Helped Win the Space Race. The book was made into a popular feature film, Hidden Figures, which was nominated for Best Picture at the 2017 Academy Awards and won the 2017 Screen Actors Guild Award for best ensemble (the guild’s equivalent of a best picture award). Vaughan is one of the three main characters in the film, along with colleagues Katherine Johnson and Mary Jackson. She’s portrayed by Oscar-winning actress Octavia Spencer. Sources Dorothy Vaughan. Encyclopaedia Britannica.Shetterly, Margot Lee. Dorothy Vaughan Biography. National Aeronautics and Space Administration.Shetterly, Margot Lee. Hidden Figures: The American Dream and the Untold Story of the Black Women Who Helped Win the Space Race. William Morrow Company, 2016.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Independence Day Speech Free Essays
Good morning respected principal, Father John, teachers and all the students present here. I am truly grateful to Father Ajit Kumar Xess for thinking me worthy of addressing this august gathering. Let me begin by congratulating all of you at the golden Jubilee of your school and also wishing each and every one of u a very Happy Independence Day. We will write a custom essay sample on Independence Day Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now For over half a century our nation has sprung, stumbled, run, followed, rolled over, gotten up and dusted herself. As students, we must always be reminded of this constant perseverance that has always been the backbone of success of our nation today. We live in a country whose faith in success is far greater than her fear of failure. We no longer boycott foreign goods but buy the companies that produce them instead. At this juncture we must also think of our freedom fighters who laid down their lives for our country’s independence. When they began with their struggle, they were young, just like you and me. Their struggle, dedication and unrelenting zeal transformed us into a free nation. They dreamt big, stayed focused, and fought against all odds to achieve their goal. As we stand here, at the threshold of a new phase in our lives, we must take valuable lessons from them and incorporated these into our lives. We must also think of the India today and compare it with the India that the people who fought for our independence, had in their minds. They fought for a free country where everyone would be regarded as equal, every Indian would have equal opportunities. But the India that we see today is not quite as it was imagined to be. We still have a long way to go. Even though, as Indians, we have a lot to be proud of: we are the citizens of a country which has given birth to scholars like Rabindranath Tagore, Amartya Sen, Scientists like Jagdish Chandra Bose, C. V. Raman, visionaries like Mahatma Gandhi and Sportspersons like Kapil Dev, Saina Nehwal, who have represented our country and brought respect to our nation, worldwide. We must draw inspiration from these extraordinary Indians and do something which will not only benefit us, but will also make our fellow Indians proud. In about an years’ time, most of you will be enrolled in engineering colleges, or medical colleges, or might as well go abroad for further studies. Let the thought of the Indian freedom fighters, scholars and scientist make you reach for the stars. At the same time, don’t forget your motherland. We are yet to achieve a â€Å"free†and fair India. We have the third largest pool of doctors, engineers and scientists. Yet, 25 % of our population is illiterate. That is 300,000,000 (a huge chunk of the population) people who cannot read or write. We are ranked the 2nd largest country in the world suffering from mal nutrition. 5 million people are suffering from AIDs. There exists a huge divide between one India and another India. One India says give me a chance and I’ll prove myself, to the other India, we say prove yourself first and then u will have your chance. One India wants, the other India hopes; one India leads and the other India follows. Our responsibi lity as citizens of this country is to converge this divide and forge one India and thereby create a country that our freedom fighters envisaged. Do not let anything stop you from realising your potential. I would to leave you to mull over the following words given by the father of our nation: â€Å"I will give you a talisman. Whenever you are in doubt, or when the self becomes too much with you, apply the following test. Recall the face of the poorest and the weakest man [woman] whom you may have seen, and ask yourself, if the step you contemplate is going to be of any use to him [her]. Will he [she] gain anything by it? Will it restore him [her] to a control over his [her] own life and destiny? In other words, will it lead to swaraj [freedom] for the hungry and spiritually starving millions? Then you will find your doubts and yourself melt away. How to cite Independence Day Speech, Papers Independence Day Speech Free Essays â€Å"Filipinos are worth dying for. †this is the famous line of the late senator Noynoy Aquino. Maybe our fellow Filipino who fought for the freedom of the Filipinos from the invaders of our country will also agree with what Noynoy Aquino has said. We will write a custom essay sample on Independence Day Speech or any similar topic only for you Order Now An Independence Day is an annual celebration commemorating the anniversary of a nation’s assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a colony or part of another state, more rarely after the end of a military occupation. Most countries honor their respective independence day as a national holiday and some countries or nations’ independence-date honors’ are contested. Independence Day is the day to commemorate all the works of certain people or individuals who contributed much for the liberty of their country. More that celebrating the freedom of the country from slavery, dictatorship and tyrant rule, it is also the day to acknowledge all the sufferings and hardships of these people we called heroes. We recognize their bravery and thank them for all the things they contributed for the freedom of their country and countrymen. June 12, 1898, is a glorious date in the history of the Filipino people. On this day, President Emilio F. Aguinaldo proclaimed the freedom of the Filipino people. The Philippine national flag was hoisted and the country’s national anthem was played. President Aguinaldo’s proclamation of Philippine Independence not only heralded the birth of a new nation. It also brought glad tidings to the colonial subjects of Asia. It inspired the colonial subjects to struggle to be free. May I ask you this, if our heroes who fought for the freedom can see the current status of our country today, do you think they will be happy? Do think they will be glad that they sacrifice they lives for the sake of our country? . But if you have notice, and based on my opinion some Filipinos doesn’t even know the word peace now. Yes it’s true that we are now free from any invaders and free from the colonization of other country but in our own native land there is still war, a war against each Filipinos who doesn’t know how to mingle with other Filipinos.. And as we all see our country is currently facing an extreme poverty. There is a very high rate of unemployed Filipinos. There are many Filipinos who are hardly to eat 3 times a day. The continuous oil price hike which has been affecting the prices of all products in the market and industry that also making our life harder. And the continuous growth of population which is caused of unemployment. People often say that education will be your key to success. But how will you be successful if unemployment is a big problem in our society today. Newly graduates are having a hard time seeking for a job suitable to their taken profession that’s why sometimes they have no choice but to work in a job that is not related to their course only to say that they are employed. We are aware that our native land was blessed with many tourist destination and tourism brought us big contribution in the progression of our country. But what had happened lately at Quirino Grandstand has changed everything. We are having a hard time convincing tourist to visit our country because of that tragedy. And this affected our country so much. And the never ending issue of terrorism in Mindanao that is always been a subject in peace and order in our country. There is so called government in such country to lead the nation. But what’s happening on our country today is a lot far from this. Our government itself is the one who is putting our economy status miserable because of the word corruption. Instead of handling the nations fund wisely, they are putting it on their personal interest that’s why no projects were been successfully founded. Yes we are free, free from the manipulation of other country ,but in our country I can say that we are definitely not free. Because we are chained into these different problems. It seems like we are in a battle towards our country problems for us to be totally called free. If only everyone of us were doing our duties and responsibilities as a responsible citizen of our country, and if everything were all in places, can you imagine how beautiful our country is? And through this everyone of us can proudly say that â€Å"Filipino’s are really worth dying for â€Å" How to cite Independence Day Speech, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
World Hummanities an Example of the Topic Psychology Essays by
World Hummanities Henrik Ibsens realistic drama A Dolls House exposes the follies of the Victorian society in general and the false life led by many women in particular. Though considered very revolutionary in his times, Ibsen boldly presents a strong case for womens equality and their right to lead their own life through the character of Nora. Noras self perception as a doll leading a dolls life justifies the title of the drama. However, her final rebellion at the end of the drama to lead an independent life can be traced earlier in her actions and speech in the drama. Need essay sample on "World Hummanities" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed Noras constant lying is a strong indication of her latent desire to lead a free and happy life. As a faithful and loving wife Nora wants to support her husband to come out of the financial difficulties they have been in. But she makes all the attempts in secrecy without the knowledge of her husband. She not only borrows money but also earns it secretly. She earns money working as a copyist by keeping herself in her room for hours. Obviously, the very act of locking herself in and working inside the room do strongly suggest her inherent craving for freedom and happiness. Her greatest help to her husband also comes from her biggest lie which eventually shatters her life. Nora borrows money from Krogstad by forging her fathers signature to support her ailing her husband. She wants to keep it a secret forever and works to pay back the money to Krogstad. This shows not only her strong resolve to protect her husband and family but also her budding independent nature in facing the challenges. Noras promises to Mrs. Linde and Krogstad are suggestive of her growing confidence levels in herself. When Mrs. Linde approaches Nora seeking her recommendation to Mr. Torvald in providing her a small job Nora responds spontaneously and promises her the much needed support. She also tries her best to save Krogstads job by pleading her unwilling husband. She does not like to reveal her secret of borrowing money to her husband even though she feels very nervous about the entire issue. It clearly reflects her strong determination to face the consequences. Noras conversation with Mrs. Linde amply reveals her inner mind. After telling Linde about how she got the money she reveals some more of her latent feelings. She says, My goodness, its delightful to think of, Christine! Free from care! To be able to be free from care, quite free from care; to be able to play and romp with the children; to be able to keep the house beautifully and have everything just as Torvald likes it! And, think of it, soon the spring will come and the big blue sky! (Act I, Part II). Noras liking for freedom from care is a clear indication of her inner mind. She loves leading her life as there is freedom and happiness in it. She is strongly influenced by the doctors words of must live attitude and her husbands ideology of keeping the children away from corrupt influences. Dr. Rank plays an influencing role in shaping the mind of Nora. She has always been treated as a mature adult by Dr. Rank unlike her husband who always treated her like a pet. Dr. Ranks final words leave a strong impact on Noras mind and seem to confirm her thinking of leading her own life. In addition, Torvalds views about bringing up the children by keeping them away from any immoral influence help to awaken her conscience to go for a right and meaningful life. Thus, Noras growing love for freedom and happiness can be observed in several of her actions like lying for the sake of her husband and offering help to people around her. In fact, the experiences of the people around her help to awaken her dormant desire to come out her false life and to lead a happy and free life. References Ibsen Henrik, A Dolls-House
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